Network Modernization: A How-To Guide – Interconnections – The Equinix Blog


The power of virtual: With virtual network services, you can deploy digital-ready infrastructure in minutes on an OPEX-based cost model. Virtual services accelerate the deployment of SD-WAN gateways, routers, firewalls, load balancers and other virtual network functions in new locations, enabling provisioning of new resources in minutes, not days. Virtual infrastructure doesn’t require CAPEX-intensive hardware updates and enables elastic and demand-based consumption, providing companies greater flexibility with their resources.

Tap into the fabric: Software-defined network fabrics are an innovative approach to solving the multicloud networking roadblock. These fabrics enable networks to access multiple cloud providers across multiple cloud regions from a single port. This API-enabled, one-to-many approach enables network teams to connect and automate networking across their different cloud deployments as well as their physical infrastructure. In addition, these services have typically adopted the elastic consumption approach, enabling networking resources to be provisioned quickly and as needed.

4. Clean off your whiteboards.

Sometimes the old way is the best way. When it comes to ideating and architecting, we still think nothing beats a whiteboard. While we can’t whiteboard with you here, we suggest starting with the global architecture that you have.

Figure 1: Example of a legacy global network

Now, how can you use the tools at your disposal to build something better that accomplishes your goals? At Equinix, we live and breathe designing these architectures and helping our customers build their networks for tomorrow. What follows is an example of a global network architecture that combines the power of physical and virtual infrastructure to enable resilient, flexible, scalable and cost-effective networking across clouds and users.

Figure 2: Example of a modern network

Figure 3a: Colocation deployment

Figure 3b: Network Edge deployment

In addition to sketching out your reference architecture, a proof of concept (POC) can help you verify if the expected solution will achieve your objectives. As we noted above, virtual networking makes it possible to sandbox and test solutions quickly and easily using edge services or bare metal. If you need to test physical POCs, Equinix operates global Solution Validation Centers where you can deploy physical gear to validate your solutions. Whatever approach you choose, be sure to test and validate your new network architecture to make sure it accomplishes your objectives.

5. Implement the new solution.

The final step in a network modernization project is the implementation. For most organizations, network modernization will be gradual. You should prioritize implementing in regions that are most important to your business and augment with digital services in secondary regions. Remember: you can take advantage of network functions virtualization (NFV) while retaining existing network infrastructure.

If your need is more pressing and a gradual rollout isn’t an option, digital services like Equinix Metal®, Equinix Fabric® and Network Edge can help you stand up a network in minutes while you build out your greater network capability. You can also augment your own capabilities with Equinix Infrastructure Services to help you provision your infrastructure across the globe.

Learn more about network modernization with Equinix

Equinix provides a global platform with single vendor across the physical and digital infrastructure spectrum, with the unique capability to blend colocation, digital services and a robust ecosystem of cloud and network service providers, industry partners and suppliers.

If you would like to explore your options, Equinix offers an interactive whiteboarding workshop known as the Cloud Optimized WAN workshop. Through this workshop, Equinix architects can help your enterprise define a customized success strategy.



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